Logos is operated by volunteers and managed by the Steering Committee, which includes representatives of the Friends of the Davis Public Library Board and volunteers with specific skills to contribute. In addition, a large roster of volunteers make Logos run smoothly for the book-loving public.
President of the FDPL | Rory Osborne | rory@davislibraryfriends.org |
Book Sale Liaison | Gary Godefroy | gary@davislibraryfriends.org |
Area Expert Coordinator | Mary Christopher | mary@davislibraryfriends.org |
Operations Manager | Pat Martens | pat@davislibraryfriends.org |
Training Coordinator | Linda Schwartz | lindaschwartz@davislibraryfriends.org |
FDPL Board Liaison | Holly Bishop | holly@davislibraryfriends.org |
Art Coordinator | Carrie Ceniseroz | ceniroth@pacbell.net |
Member at Large | Mabel Reynolds | |
Member at Large | Michael Reynolds |