What is the price range of your books?
Our average book price is about $4. The store also has both fiction and non-fiction carts with books for $1 each. We charge no state sales tax because we are owned and operated by the Friends of the Davis Public Library.
How large is your book inventory? I’m looking for a particular used book.
Our retail area is 800 square feet and we are able to display about 11,000 books. We sell over 120 books every business day. Our volunteers continuously restock the shelves. If you don’t find that particular book on your first visit, please visit us again.
Do you purchase used books?
No. All of our books are donated to the Friends of the Davis Public Library. Logos Books is one way that they get sold to the public to raise funds for the Library. Here’s how to donate books!
Can I come to the store and submit a volunteer application?
Yes! Logos Books is staffed by volunteers. You can pick up an application at the store. Just ask the cashier staffing the store.
Can I order a particular book?
No. Sorry, but we do not order books from publishers or distributors.
Can I put a book on hold and pick it up later?
Yes. For three days. The cashier staffing the store can help you.
I need a textbook for a class I’m taking. Can I get it at Logos?
Maybe. But the textbooks we have are usually not current.
Does the store carry rare and vintage books?
Yes. Please peruse the Vintage book sections (one for general books, one for children’s books) at the store or visit our online store at biblio.com/bookstore/logos-books-davis where many vintage and rare books are offered.

Lucas, the Logos dog,
after his volunteer shift.